Revised October 31, 2013
The president shall appoint such other special committees as are required to further the purpose of the Council.
Section 1. Dues and or fees shall be required of members with the amount of such dues and/or fees subject to a majority vote of the Governing Board present at a regularly called board meeting.
Section 2. New membership dues received after May 31 will apply to the following membership year.
Section 1. Delegate to the National Council for the Social Studies Meeting
The president, if attending the annual meeting of the National Council for the Social Studies, shall serve as the Council’s official delegate to that meeting. The Council will pay up to $750 toward the expenses of that meeting. If the president cannot attend, the Board may appoint an alternate.
Section 2. State Specialist as Board Member
An Arkansas Department of Education staff member who is assigned to the Social Studies field will be seated as a full member of this Board so long as that person is an active member of the Council with voting privileges.
Section 3. Amendments
This Constitution may be amended by a majority vote of the active members present at the annual business meeting. Amendments may be proposed by the Governing Board or by written petition signed by five or more members and submitted to any member of the Governing Board ninety days prior to the annual business meeting.
Section 4. College and University Representatives
Representatives from colleges and universities are invited to serve on the Board in an advisory capacity. No more than five college and/or university representatives may have voting privileges.
Section 5. By-laws
The by-laws of the Council are to be made, altered, or rescinded by a majority vote of the governing board present at an official meeting of the Board, or by mail vote.
Section 6: Removal of Position
(1) Failure to attend three regular board meetings in a year may cause a member of the Board to be relieved of that position by a vote of Board members present at a regular meeting.
(2) Failure to carry out the assigned duties of an elected position may cause an officer to be removed by a vote of board members present at a regular board meeting.
Section 7: Annual review of Constitution and By-Laws
The Executive Committee will conduct a yearly review of the Constitution and By-Laws.
Section 8: Quorum & Proxy Votes
(1) A quorum for Executive Board and/or Governing Board meetings is not required as long as the date for each meeting is publicly announced two months prior to a meeting date.
(2) Should the meeting be publicly announced two months prior to the set date, then a quorum shall be the number of members present at the time the meeting is called to order.
(3) Failure to publicly announce a board meeting date prior to two months will require a fifty percent (50%) majority of voting members to meet quorum. Proxy votes may be counted to ensure quorum is met.
(4) Proxy votes shall be permitted at board meetings only as follows: (I) no member shall vote the proxy of more than two other voting members; (II) such proxy must be submitted in writing and signed by the absent member using the ACSS proxy form and presented to the Secretary at the time of the meeting date; (III) no proxy shall be valid for more than one board meeting.