Adopted November 5, 2005

The mission of the Arkansas Council for the Social Studies is to strengthen social studies education in the state of Arkansas.


Section 1.  Name
The name of this organization shall be the Arkansas Council for the Social Studies, hereafter referred to in the constitution as the Council.

Section 2.  Purpose
The purpose of the Council is to promote social and civic education in Arkansas through such means as:

(1) An Annual Business Meeting and program to exchange ideas and disseminate information among the membership regarding curriculum development, materials selection, professional services and in-service, and other items of general concern to the membership.
(2)  Newsletter and other publications as appropriate.
(3)  Cooperation with organizations professionally interested in the extension and improvement of social studies education.
(4)  Sponsorship and/or publicity of special events pertinent to the social studies.

Section 3.  Membership
(1)  Any person who is desirous of promoting the interest of the Council and sharing in its work is eligible for membership and may be a member by paying the annual dues.  Members shall be entitled to vote, hold office, participate in discussion and receive publications and other services of the Council.  Members will vote as individuals, not as representatives of any given school, district, or organization.
(2)  The membership year shall begin the initial day of the annual meeting and shall end one year later on the day before the annual meeting.


Section 1.  Officers
The officers of the Council shall be president, president-elect, secretary, and treasurer.   All elected officers shall serve two-year terms.

Section 2.  President
The president shall preside over all meetings of the Executive Committee, the Governing Board, the annual meeting, and all special meetings of the Council; shall appoint all committees not otherwise provided for in the constitution; shall be an ex-officio member of all committees of the Council; and shall represent and act in the name of the Council when it is not in session.

Section 3.  President-Elect
The president-elect shall succeed the president and shall preside in place of the president at any meeting at which the president is unable to preside.  The president-elect shall assume the office of president if this office is vacated during the term of office, and shall assist the president in the administrative work of the Council.

Section 4.  Secretary
The secretary shall take and keep minutes of all Council, Executive Committee, and Governing Board meetings; preserve all documents and records of the Council; keep a record of membership; present minutes of previous meetings at each meeting; perform other duties given by the president or Executive Committee.

Section 5.  Treasurer
The treasurer shall receive all monies of the Council and provide for their safekeeping; pay all authorized bills; keep an accurate and current record of all receipts and expenditures of Council funds; make reports at the annual meting and at other times requested by the president; prepare a budget in consultation with the president; and shall perform other duties given by the president or Executive Committee.  The treasurer will be responsible for keeping a record of dues-paying members.

Section 6.  Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall transact business as necessary between meetings of the Board to implement the policies of the Council.  Resignations from the Executive Committee shall be by written statement and submitted to the remaining members of the Executive Committee.  The ranking officer, with approval of the Executive Committee, shall make an interim appointment to serve the balance of the unexpired term, except as provided in Article II, Section 3, and Article III, Section 1.


Section 1.  The Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of the president, president-elect, secretary, treasurer, the membership chairperson, and two members-at-large.  The members-at-large shall be appointed by the President with approval of the Executive Committee.

Section 2.  The Governing Board
(1) The Governing Board of the Council shall consist of the officers, the immediate past president, two representatives from each of the state’s four Congressional districts, and eight members-at-large, and five university representatives.  All members of the Governing Board must be ACSS members in good standing for at least one year prior to being elected to the Board.  [26 total members]
(2) The president shall be chairperson of the Board.
(3) The members of the Council shall be elected to the Governing Board by vote of the membership present at the annual business meeting.  Members of the Board shall serve two-year terms, beginning in November 2005.  Members in good standing are eligible to serve a second two-year term, which would be approved by the Nominating Committee.  After serving two two-year terms, a member wishing to continue on the Board must be re-elected at the annual membership meeting.

Enactment Clause:  For the purposes of enacting Article III, Section 2, all current Board members are deemed to be in their first term and are thus eligible to serve for two more years, beginning in 2005.  In the third year (2007), half of the Board members will serve one year, and the other half will serve two years.  Rotation will be determined by a random drawing at the first Board meeting following the ratification of this Constitution.  The drawing will be as follows:

(1)Each Congressional District will have one member with a two-year term and one member with a one-year term.
(2) Members-at-large will have four members with two-year terms and four members with one-year terms.
(3) Any member who completes a one-year term in the third year of this Enactment Clause is deemed to have served two full terms and must run for re-election if wishing to continue on the Board.

(4)   Full direction of the policies of the Council concerning meetings, publications and all acts or resolutions in any way committing the Council shall be vested in the Governing Board.
 (5)  The Governing Board shall be empowered to select a president in the event that neither the president nor the president-elect is able to perform the duties of president by reason of death, resignation or removal from office.
(6)  The Executive Committee shall nominate persons to fill vacancies or unexpired terms of any other positions on the Board, and the Governing Board shall vote upon these nominations at their next regularly scheduled meeting following the vacancy.  A majority vote of those attending is required to fill the vacancy.  

Section 3.  Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee shall consist of the immediate past president and one member of the Governing Board from each Congressional district, appointed by the president and approved by the Executive Committee.  The Nominating Committee shall report to the Council at the annual meeting, as appropriate, the nominees for president-elect, secretary, treasurer, and members of the Governing Board.  Any member who wishes to be considered for membership on the Governing Board or for an officer’s position on the Governing Board must submit an application to a member of the Nominating Committee by August 1.

Section 4. Program Committee
The chairperson of the Program Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee.  Members of the committee may be appointed by the president as needed.  The Program Committee shall be responsible for planning and implementing the annual meeting and other meetings as decided by the Governing Board.

Section 5.  Publication Committee
The chairperson of the Publications Committee shall be appointed by the president with the approval of the Executive Committee.  The chairperson shall be the Editor of the ACSS newsletter and shall be responsible for other publications as directed. 

Section 6. Membership Committee
The chairperson of the Membership Committee shall be appointed by the president with the approval of the Executive Committee.The Membership Committee shall be responsible for maintaining a current membership within the educational community.  Members from each Congressional district shall assist with recruiting, retaining, and encouraging membership.

ARTICLE IV.   Meetings

Section 1.  Annual Meeting
A meeting of the Council shall be held annually.

Section 2.  Special Meetings
Special meetings of the Council shall be at the call of the Executive Committee.

Section 3.  Board Meetings
The Governing Board shall meet quarterly.

Section 4.  Parliamentary Authority
Roberts’ Rules of Order Revised shall govern the meetings of the Council.